About us
We are a Christian company that is designed to bring a smile on peoples faces through designing and printing t-shirts that inspire the inner man to live a fulfilled life. We believe that the heartbeat of heaven is “you”, hence our desire is to use our resources to be a miracle to someone in need. This vision was born from a mission trip to India, a land with 3% Christians who do more with nothing and made sacrifice appear like a multiplication and not a subtraction. Through this trip, we meet people whose major desire was not to receive but to give even the little they didn’t have and where material gifts were lucking, they gave hope and love. With such a life changing encounter, we can only respond by giving back to the HIV kids, the leper, the old women, the orphan and villagers whose major request was not food but a bible. A percentage of what you buy will be put in these lives; we aim to give them more than the bibles they requested.
We aim to buy medicine for lepers, as you may want to know that there is a 6-12 months treatment for leprosy. Those HIV kids don’t have to die because of poor nutrition, we can show them love by meeting some of their needs. Our desire is to change the world one life at a time. The heaven’s heartbeat is people, to touch heaven, one need to touch people’s hearts.